
Showing posts from March, 2018

100 Word Challenge

The Flying Girl  As Jake sauntered outside at 9.00pm he looked up into the dark navy sky dotted with bright yellow stars. He lay down onto the lush green grass and gazed around the whole sky ( the parts that he could see anyway. )  Suddenly he saw a small dot of colour, colour that did not belong in the sky. If he looked closer he could see that it was a girl. She was flying! But how did she get up there? Jake was so shocked that he ran inside to his bedroom. When he looked out of his window he could still see the flying girl.

Review Of My Week

Week Seven This week in class we learnt about Analogies and what they are and how they are used. An analogy is explaining one thing to be like another thing. We also learnt what we do and don't know in French. In science we did more work on acids and bases and alkalis.  I also learnt that a lot of want to go to Dio- I was one of the only two girls left in my class on Friday.

100 Word Challenge

No.2 My mum and dad are always telling me off for stuff that I have not done or things that my sister is just as much to blame for as I am. But what if I was in charge? I would tell my sister off for being mean to me and I would make her apologize to me. I would also throw parties to celebrate random stuff I achieved. I would be allowed to listen to music and dance in my room instead of doing homework, if I was in charge. Pretty much my life would be crazy! So It would just be better if weren’t in charge!  :)